Dr Wong Soong Kuan
An experienced surgical team specialising in the management of colorectal conditions. Consultant surgeon Dr Wong Soong Kuan had 24 years of experience working in Changi General, Singapore General and Alexandra Hospitals prior to more than a decade in private practice. Advanced training in colorectal surgery included 3 years of dedicated colorectal surgery training with clinical fellowships at SGH, The University of Minnesota and The Cleveland Clinic Ohio. An entire year was devoted to learning minimally invasive surgical techniques for cancer. Further minimally invasive and robotic preceptorships at Jichi Medical School in Tokyo, Anan University Korea, Severens Hospital, Korea and Chinese University Hong Kong were also experienced. In addition, Dr Wong is well versed in the management of anorectal conditions including haemorrhoids, fistula in ano and fissures. Adjunctive facilities like video endoscopy and endoanal ultrasonography are available in all clinic locations.
MBBS (NUS), FRCS (Edinburgh), MMED (General Surgery),
FAMS (General Surgery)
Colorectal Fellowship (University of Minnesota, USA)
Laparoscopic Fellowship (Cleveland Clinic Ohio USA)
Member of the Society of Colorectal Surgeons (Singapore)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine)

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