Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Diagnosy always help provide are treatment for most a more cure and health life which is an health more perfect service
Bowel Preparation

The large intestine needs to be clear of faecal matter for adequate visualisation otherwise small polyps can be missed. Medication to evacuate stool plus a clear liquid diet is necessary at least 6 hours prior to colonoscopy or bowel surgery.Clear liquids - this may consist of water, tea or coffee with sugar only, barley water, sugar cane juice, chrysanthemum tea, fruit juice without pulp like apple juice, clear broth, jello without milk or coconut. Electrolyte drinks like Gatorade, 100 plus and H2O are also acceptable. Drink at least 2 litres.For best results, avoid fruit and vegetables, high residue foods like oats for 3 days prior to the procedure.Medications taken usually consist of oral fleet 45 mls which is a concentrated salty liquid best consumed chilled and rapidly without dilution. PEG (Fortrans) is a synthetic laxative powder prepared by mixing a sachet in a litre of water. Best flavoured with Ribena or Lemon juice as it is tasteless.
Important: Please let your doctor know if you are on any blood thinning mediations like aspirin, plavix, xarelto, warfarin because you will need to stop them for at least days prior to the procedure. Also if you have any kidney or heart disease, your physician should be informed so that adjustments can be made.
Regular medications: High blood pressure medications should be consumed with a sip of water on the morning of the procedure. Diabetic medications are best omitted from the night before when bowel preparation is being performed.